But yes, as you can see it reload

Some information about me, also the "Getting Started" page for stalking me. But tl;dr I'm a French baguette that lives near Belgium, France's northernmost region, and I like doing stuff on the internet.


lihbr, pronounced either \libʁ\ as in French "libre" or spelled out, is an acronym for Lucie HABERER. I prefer it over regular domain names like lucie.dev and it works great (better?) as a pseudonym, alias, brand, etc.

Yet, turns out "lihbr.com" is highly impractical to share out loud with other people, even more for them to remember it. To mitigate that, I use lucie.red (with "red" standing for "redirection") as an alias service and URL shortener.

How It Started

I was introduced to development in my early teenagehood as I was contributing to a few MediaWiki instances, webmastering phpBB forums, and managing Joomla websites. Things then spiraled out of control during my master's degree @hetic from 2017 to 2021, somehow turning me into a Software Engineer.

I have been fortunate to work for various and diverse companies. I was the tech person (my business card had "Chief Information Officer" on it though) @synerghetic, a small nonprofit. I made my team switch to Vue.js when I was a Software Engineer & Architect intern @SocieteGenerale, a French-based multinational bank. I also had fun as a Full Stack Developer with the lovely people over @36Pixels, a small agency. Finally, I worked on a few developments and consulting gigs as a freelance.

How It's Going

Nowadays I'm working @prismicio as a Developer Experience Engineer. I spend most of my time managing the company's open-source ecosystem and I love the relationship I get to have with the community doing so. Talking about the community, I'm also a conference speaker and a @nuxt_js team member. I've been working with Nuxt for many years now and made various contributions to it.

Random Things I Like

I'm not good at sharing things I'm into outside engineering-related topics, so here are some random things I like that I'd be happy to talk about.

Art and photography! I'm from a family of painters and have always been surrounded by all sorts of art pieces. While I'm not overly knowledge-worthy about art I appreciate it a lot. Some artists' works that inspired me are shared on the art page.

Formula 1: came for the speed, stayed for the drama. Joke aside it's the only sport I follow and I find it quite interesting to watch from free practices to Sunday's race. If it's not your jam that's perfectly fine, but give at least a listen to the opening theme, it's quite the masterpiece.

Watchmaking and horology. That's an old passion of mine but I've always been rocking a watch and into those. Their history is fascinating, from the first wristwatches to the advent of quartz and now digital watches. That's without mentioning some of the legendary watchmakers out there.

Vinyl records. To me, records are a nice way to have non-non-fungible tokens of artists I like (but I'm also definitely a hipster). The small ritual of listening to them is also quite soothing. You can browse my humble collection on this not-so-secret page.

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