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Create beautiful lihbr images of your code.
Change padding to 0px, 24px, 48px, or 96px.
Resize to container, fit-content, or 2:1
Set background totransparentslate - 900,slate - 800,cream - 900,cream - 800,navy - 900,navy - 400,navy - 100,beet - 900,beet - 400,beet - 100,flamingo - 900,flamingo - 400,flamingo - 100,ochre - 900,ochre - 400,ochre - 100,butter - 900,butter - 400,butter - 100,mantis - 900,mantis - 400,mantis - 100
import { defineAkteApp } from "akte" export const app = defineAkteApp({ files: [], })
Download image or copy it to your clipboard.
Change alignement to left or center or right.